
Showing posts from April, 2022

Reflection 4: From today to the future

   We learnt and gained many things through this course. Now, we became better writers with additional English writing skills with formal English that we can use for different situations such as resume, apologizing email, complaint email, or invitation email. Or informal English that we can use it around our friends and loved one. Furthermore, we know and can identified abbreviation words like re, e.g., or thx. We became to know many English email format and phrasing as well.    Even if almost everybody in my teams agreed that we are still not that great at English grammar, we are satisfied with our improvement though out this course. Da humbly added that “there is always room for improvement no matter the situation.” and we will continue to working on it though practicing by writing.    So far, when we wrote those reflections. Each of us thought about our self; what we had learnt and identified the weaknesses we had. It kept us in touch with our English. North mentioned that e

Reflection 3: Quiz 1

According to reflection3, my team is very happy with the score that we get, because, during the test, we tried hard and did our best to make sure that we answer the correct answer to each question and get a good score. For each team member, we find the part of the quiz to be difficult differently because we have different weaknesses. The part that is difficult for each of us is for Run is vocabulary, Da is re-order sentences, North is sorting applications and William is rewriting the sentences. We also find the part that is easy that we do well on the test differently as well. To do better for the future, each of us studies and practice more on our weakness and the part that we find difficult so that we can do it better next time. The easy part, we going to practice more on it so that we can do it more easily next time. Most of us think that the test already makes sense, is perfect, and has nothing to change, but Run said that the part of finding the mistake in the resume.  This is

Reflection 2: When we worked together

   As we coordinated in the first assignment. Everybody seems to feel it's a pretty great time to use what we learn in class to perform immediately. The teamwork was on point as everybody claimed. Nevertheless, we still think we could be more precise and deliberate with the format of the assignment to reduce the same mistake. The rush and wants of our group to finish made us not plan further for the assignment. Communication was still hard for us with Run has the following class And with me, who find it still scary to discuss or to propose some ideas. However, the result still satisfied us in some ways. We are grateful for each other to follow their task that they’ve been given. North is really good at picking up the mistake. William is perfect for the terms and words. And Run who were great at summarizing everything. To conclude, everybody agrees to be more careful and detailed. Planning out an outline is essential for us to keep track whether we are following the instructions or

Reflection 1: Our habit and skills before the course

First about our habits. We have different writing habits because each person learned and got a different experience differently. The writing habits are based on experience in the past and the way of communication. For example, some people used short words because it is easy to explain as such use simple words for ease of understanding. Otherwise, some people do not write a lot but sometimes use it in an informal environment.  Second is our writing strengths and weakness. Our strengths are flexibility creativity detail and grammar. everyone had a different strength when we worked together. we encourage each other. Moreover, we are the people that make us had critical thinking skills to make us good explainers. Our weaknesses would be everything such as vocabulary grammatical and writing a word correctly. The last we expect to learn in this is similar because everyone expects to learn how to write better, and how to make my writing look more professional for contact with ot