Reflection 3: Quiz 1

According to reflection3, my team is very happy with the score that we get, because, during the test, we tried hard and did our best to make sure that we answer the correct answer to each question and get a good score. For each team member, we find the part of the quiz to be difficult differently because we have different weaknesses. The part that is difficult for each of us is for Run is vocabulary, Da is re-order sentences, North is sorting applications and William is rewriting the sentences. We also find the part that is easy that we do well on the test differently as well. To do better for the future, each of us studies and practice more on our weakness and the part that we find difficult so that we can do it better next time. The easy part, we going to practice more on it so that we can do it more easily next time. Most of us think that the test already makes sense, is perfect, and has nothing to change, but Run said that the part of finding the mistake in the resume.  This is what our group can reflect on from quiz1.


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